How Can Poor Oral Health Affect the Rest of the Body?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 3.5 billion people suffer from oral health issues. You might think that poor oral health only affects your mouth, teeth, and gums. This is not always the case because poor oral health can lead to numerous health issues that affect your general health.
How can poor oral health affect general health? Here is a brief overview of the connection between your oral and overall health. This article also explains the general health symptoms of poor oral health.
What is the Relationship Between Dental and Overall Health?
One of the questions that most people ask is, "how can poor oral health affect general health?" Well, your mouth mostly contains harmless and harmful bacteria. Normally, your body relies on its natural defenses and other dental hygiene practices like flossing and brushing to control these bacteria.
However, if you fail to maintain good dental hygiene, these bacteria may multiply and get into your digestive system. When mouth bacteria reach your digestive system, they may enter your bloodstream, causing illnesses.
Moreover, these bacteria may reach your respiratory system through normal breathing and cause respiratory health complications leading to Pulmonary actinomycosis.
General Health Symptoms of Poor Oral Health
What are the general health symptoms of poor oral health? Poor oral hygiene presents itself in various ways.
Swollen Gums
Your teeth's gums should always be pink. However, if you notice your gums start bleeding or appear swollen and red, there is a problem. Often, these signs indicate gum disease. If left untreated, this issue can escalate and even cause tooth loss.
For this reason, you need to visit your dentist as soon as you notice any signs of gum infection. Your dentist will give you proper medication to stop the infection before it spreads further and causes serious health issues.
Mouth Ulcers
Accidentally biting the inside of your cheeks when chewing or eating overly spiced food can lead to mouth ulcers. These sores will normally heal without any medical intervention. However, you might notice that the sores are not healing as expected. If this happens, you need to book an appointment with your dentist and discuss your condition for a clear diagnosis.
Bad Breath
After eating certain foods like garlic, you may experience bad breath. In such circumstances, you can easily get rid of the smell by brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. However, if the problem persists, you need to seek professional help.
Persistent bad breath often indicates gingivitis, bacterial growth, or excessive plaque accumulation. You need to regularly visit your dentist for professional dental cleaning and checkups to address this issue.
Sensitive Teeth
If you experience a sharp pain in your mouth when you eat hot or cold foods, you may be having sensitive tooth. A sensitive tooth usually indicates an underlying oral infection. Tooth sensitivity may also indicate early signs of gingivitis which may advance to periodontitis if left untreated.
Change in Your Tongue's Texture or Color
If the color or texture of your tongue changes, it may indicate poor oral hygiene. You should brush your tongue any time you brush your teeth. Consider cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper if you have a gag reflex.
Common Health Issues That Can Occur Due to Poor Oral Health
To answer the question "how can poor oral health affect general health," here are some common health conditions caused by poor oral health.
Heart Diseases
Poor oral hygiene can cause various heart complications, including atherosclerosis and endocarditis. Gum diseases increase the risk of heart attack by approximately 25% according to research.
Atherosclerosis refers to a condition whereby plaque enters and accumulates in your heart's arteries. Plaque accumulation narrows your arteries, making it difficult for your heart to pump blood. As a result, you may experience a stroke, especially if you have a pre-existing heart condition like congestive heart failure.
On the other hand, endocarditis is a condition that occurs when the inner lining of your heart gets inflamed. Typically, the inner lining of your heart gets inflamed when the infected bacteria from your teeth's gum enter your bloodstream and, finally, your heart.
Generally, dementia refers to a condition whereby a person loses their memory. According to research, elderly individuals with severe periodontitis have a 22% increase in the risk of dementia.
When your gums get infected, they release toxic substances, including bacteria. When these substances reach your nerves, they'll find their way into your brain cells and affect them. As a result, you may lose your memory.
Serious gum infections such as periodontitis release bacteria into your blood, affecting your body's defense mechanism against high blood sugar levels. As a result, you'll be at high risk of getting diabetes. According to a study on periodontics and its relation to diabetes, the researchers identified 18% new diabetes cases in individuals with severe periodontitis.
Also, any person suffering from type one or two diabetes is susceptible to gum disease. Such people have a weak immunity system, and their bodies cannot fight infections.
Kidney Diseases
Kidney disease refers to a condition that affects your kidneys by limiting their ability to filter blood. People suffering from periodontal diseases often have a weak immune system, making them vulnerable to several infections, including kidney infections.
Research shows that a 10% rise in gum inflammation leads to a 3% decrease in kidney function indicating that gum inflammation significantly affects kidney function. When your kidneys are infected, you need to seek proper medical attention. Otherwise, you risk kidney failure.
Prostate Problems
The prostate gland is the gland that produces semen. Sometimes, men suffering from gum diseases often experience inflammation in the prostate gland as well. When this gland gets inflamed, you may experience pain when urinating, which can be uncomfortable.
Research indicates that severe periodontitis increasesprostate-specific antigen (PSA) by 5%. An increase in PSA levels is associated with prostatitis, prostate gland enlargement, or prostate cancer. It is also important to note that periodontal diseases increase the risks of prostate cancer.
Improve Your Oral Hygiene
Poor oral health can affect your general health, as discussed above. You need to practice good oral hygiene to avoid these issues. Moreover, you need to visit your dentist for regular dental checkups and treatment of dental issues.
Taking good care of your gums and teeth can improve the quality of your life and help you live a happy life.
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